في العام 1989م قامت نخبة من رجال الأعمال في دبي، بمبادرة إنسانية هدفت إلى تأسيس جمعية نفع عام، تختص بالعمل داخل دولة الإمارات، وعلى أسس إدارية وفنية مبتكرة
برنامج زايد الخير
Copyright reserved to Beit Al Khair Society, it is not allowed to copy, photocopy, reprint or transfer the information of this document / procedure; Except with the written approval of the Director General, and whoever does so exposes himself to legal accountability
It is our commitment to provide good service reliability and control process that means service quality to all those who access our services, and the implementation of all external quality marks by the public administration, administrative units and quality coordinators. We seek to be at the forefront of charitable organizations in the country by providing the best services through the state’s vision to achieve the national agenda and work to make all dealers happy through
We seek continuous improvement in all these areas, as well as to the level of services we provide to meet the future needs and expectations of our service users, our partners and other interested parties.
Quality management system requirements are an integral part of the association and are in line with our strategic plan and organizational risk assessment, which are reviewed annually to ensure that our quality management system is appropriately updated.
By meeting the requirements of ISO 10002: 2018, ISO 10004: 2018, ISO 9001: 2015 , Beit Al Khair Association will consistently demonstrate its commitment to meeting customer requirements - ensuring legal and regulatory compliance and enhancing customer satisfaction. The requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 also define the framework for the quality objectives and continuous improvement of our Quality Management System ( QMS ).
The quality objectives and priorities of Beit Al Khair Society are defined in relation to achieving our strategic goals, meeting the needs of our stakeholders and our work to manage risks and opportunities. Also, strive for continuous improvement in all areas of the quality management system and the services provided to our clients.
The leadership responsibility in our quality management system rests with the general management and quality coordinators as part of their leadership responsibility and commitment to developing and implementing the quality management system and continuous improvement of its effectiveness by ensuring.